We had a fruitful discussion with one of the home director, Mr. Cheah. He showed us the home in general and explained to us what the home does for these special children. Compared to Shelter Home (beneficiary of our campaign last year), this home shelters children whom are physically challenged/disabled. They have 4-5 houses that shelters 130 children of which 100 of them are physically challenged. This home also accommodates some adults whom are of the same condition.

With so much to do but with very little help or non from the government this home have touched many lives that some think that they are useless. These children, although they are ‘special’, needs love and care like any other children. The surrounding neighbours have lodged numerous complaints to the local authorities in an effort to remove them from their premises, reason being, they are dirty, noisy and nuisance. Given this unfriendly gesture, they are planning to move out into a property that will shelter all of them under one roof. The project will cost them some 6 million ringgit.

As the cost of operations escalating, there is an urgent need of funds to sustain the home’s 130 inmates. A Piece Of Hope is stepping up to help them in any way we can. You can visit the home’s website for further information: www.ppkkctm.org

1 comment:
hi there.
i applaud your campaign and your drive to make a better life for a portion of our community here in Malaysia. My family, friends and myself are gearing up for this call as well. And I must say it needs a lot of perseverance and persistency to achieve our goals. I wish the best to all A Piece of Hope members in their 9th climb to Mt Kinabalu and God bless!
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