The fund raising campaign started on 3rd June 2007, about one month before our climb on 7th July. Contact with Shelter Home (, an NGO that shelters abused, abandoned, neglected children through their 5 homes located in Selangor, was established 2 weeks before to inform them about our intention to raise funds for them. A fund amount of RM100,000 was then targetted after understanding their operation cost and needs. Shelter Home children
A covering letter and donation/pledge form were quickly drawn up and sent out to all our 66 climbers from all over Malaysia and Australia. Climbers were requested to solicit donation from their networks of friends, colleagues, business partners and family members. Unlike other fund raising campaigns, A Piece Of Hope do not solicit donations from the general public. We find that in this way, it is more reliable and effective given the personal approach.
Shelter Home & A Piece Of Hope letter to donors
With the help of Creative Vision, a press conference was called on 20th June 2007 at Shelter Home premises in Section 5, Petaling Jaya. Through this, A Piece Of Hope fund raising campaign was published in 3 major newspapers namely The Star, Sin Chew Daily and Nanyang Siang Pau. This gave us a huge mileage in further publicising our effort throughout the country and the authenticity of the campaign strengthen.
The Star Metro 25th June 2007
Sin Chew Daily 23rd June 2007

Nanyang Siang Pau 22nd June 2007
In just one month, A Piece Of Hope through the collective effort of the 66 climbers manage to collect an astounding figure of RM120,000. About half of the sum came from corporate donors. Here, a word of thanks and commendation must be given to Mr. Foo Jong Wee who single handedly solicited donations from his corporate clients and friends. No less thanks must also be given to the rest of the climbers who willingly contributed their time to make the lives of Shelter Home children more meaningful.
On 7th July at Mt. Kinabalu base camp, all the jigsaw puzzle pieces were distributed to the 66 climbers. These were their reaction: Some w
ere reluctant to take the piece in fear that they could never reach the summit. Some took it as a motivation to reach the summit because failing which there would be an empty spot on the jigsaw. Some offered to carry more than one piece to assist their friend's jigsaw to reach the summit. Some even vowed to their donors that they will carry their 'piece of hope' to the summit to fulfill a promise made.
At the summit on 8th July, some climbers made it some didn't. Surprisingly, most of the jigsaw pieces arrived on the summit through the effort of some climbers having to take more than one piece. Weather at the summit were adversed making it difficult to assemble the jigsaw puzzle so it was called off. To record the effort this photo was taken at the summit.
At the summit
In appreciation to all donors and climbers, A Piece Of Hope would like to thank you for making it a success. The children at Shelter Home were indeed blessed by your generosity and caring heart. Thank You !!!
A Piece Of Hope 2007: Chapter 1