A closing ceremony for the Three Wise Monkeys charity project was held at Pavilion KL on 29th March 2016. It was graced by Puan Sri Cindy Lim, deputy chairman of Pavilion KL and many invited generous donors. APOH committee members (Jimmy Lim, Doreen, Engu, Mok Jee Sang, Capt. Lim, Tatt Boon, Ted) were also present to lend support. Representatives of the 9 children based NGOs supported by APOH in the past, also came to be part of the event.
In the event, it was unveiled that a total of RM600,000 was collected. A large amount indeed for a first time joint collaborative effort of APOH with Pavilion KL. Puan Sri Cindy Lim in her speech mentioned that it is truly an unexpected success to have reached such an amount in all of Pavilion KL’s CSR projects. She later unveiled Pavilion KL’s ‘Charity At Heart’ logo which will to be used for all their CSR projects in future.
So, monkeys out moneys in. The amount collected will be fairly distributed by Pavilion KL among the 9 children based NGOs, selected old folks homes and other NGOs from up coming Pavilion KL’s CSR projects.
(click on image to enlarge/download)
Once again, a great big THANK YOU to Nippon Paint for sponsoring their paints in such wonderful colours. A note of appreciation to project partners Tenmoku Pottery and Art Venture Resources for creating the monkeys for us to paint. A resounding applause to SJKC Choong Wen for lending their canteen to us to conduct mass painting sessions.
With the closing of the Three Wise Monkeys charity project, APOH’s charity initiatives is not at its end but just beginning, for other projects.