With hard work and will power through the 19 years, the home now house 77 multiracial special children diagnosed with DOWN SYNDROME, CEREBRAL PALSY, AUTISTIC, SPASTIC, MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, MILD MENTAL RETARDATION, VISION IMPAIRED, SPEECH IMPAIRED and HEARING IMPAIRED. With so many children and many more that they could help, the home is staffed with 13 employees of which 1 is a physiotherapist from India.
On our (APOH committee members: Jimmy Lim, Engu, Wendy Cheong, Foo Jong Wee and myself Ted) arrival at the home, we were greeted by Mr. Morgun and his colleague Mr. Simon. At that time they were busy entertaining guest from a corporate company doing a CSR visit in which donated plenty of food stuffs. While they were busy, we had an opportunity to walk about the home. The place is pretty clean and tidy. This bungalow complex has a large patio for the children to exercise and conduct various activities. On the open grounds there are 2 vessel containers used for classrooms. Inside we are greeted by a hall lined with mattresses and baby cots for the severely disabled children (10% of the total number of children) cared mostly by maids. As we walked further in there is an office where we had our meeting with Mr. Morgun and across it a staircase that goes up to the bedrooms. Just beside the office is situated the kitchen.

On the 1st floor, the bedrooms are divided
up into boys and girls section. In all the bedrooms are bunker type beds and
portable mattresses tucked away to corners. This sleeping configuration made to
see that the home is really, really cramped and tight of space. During our
visit, the bedrooms were being cleaned and disinfect as one could smell strong
disinfectant being used. This goes to show that the home is well taken care of
and hygiene is top priorty. I was told that disinfecting is done every morning.
All bed frames seems to be dated and old.
We were informed that they are embarking on a building
fund project. Presently they have 2 vacant lands (approximately 6,000 sq ft
each) available in Klang to build the new home but now lack funds. So every
donation that comes in, 75% is allocated for the building fund and rest for
monthly expenses. This is a rule of thumb but can be adjusted based on monthly expenditure
Mr. Morgun informed us that recently they had a 2 year
old baby whom passed away (pictured below). He came to the home as a baby
brought by his parents. They pleaded to Mr. Morgun to care for him as they
could not do it due to his severely handicapped condition although he was a
bubbly baby. With un-questionable compassion this baby was cared for till the
day he died at the home. This goes to show that there are still good Samaritans
in Malaysia unpreturbed by race or religionLeaving the home that morning after finishing our visit does not mean saying goodbye to them but instead saying hello and embracing the work we have ahead of us, A Piece Of Hope for Charity: Chapter 7. Please join us in helping them this year.