Ms. Kong Lan Lee, director of PKIK, explained and gave us a brief tour of their place. PKIK started in 1995 for children with learning disabilities (such as Down Syndrome, ADD, etc.) and is presently serving 104 of them in 5 shoplots at Taman Kajang Utama. Ms. Kong explained that they have many programmes and services in placed to help these children/persons such as Early Intervention Programme, Day Training Programme, Therapy, Independent Training Group Home and etc.

She said that these children usually do not have the chance to go to normal schools because there is no such curriculum catering to them. Many parents of these children struggle to find a school that can accept them. Many parents too encounter dead ends to find a school that can educate and help their children. PKIK was born to fulfill wishes of parents to see their children become independent, meaningful and useful people to society. These children most of the time are deemed as outcast of society by the general public due to their disabilities. Parents of these children feel disappointed and most fear to bring their children out into the public.

With very little help from the government, PKIK have to turn to regular fund raising projects, donations from families and the public. To sustain the cost of operations which is ever escalating and plans to get a place to call their own, PKIK needs fund to bring them into the brighter future. A Piece Of Hope: Chapter 3 is stepping up once again to help raise fund.

You can visit the home’s website for further information @ http://pkik.my.diip.net/. Alternatively you can contact PKIK Ms. Kong @ 03-87366385.