
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Survey visit to Rumah Kids and climb registration closure

Just like any other year, the time has come to pay a visit to the selected children NGO for A Piece Of Hope Chapter 6 Mt. Kinabalu Charity Climb. This home was short listed from a list of 7 homes in and around Klang Valley area. Rumah Kids managed to fulfill our main selection criteria, government tax exemption status.

On 3rd March 2012 and arriving 2.30pm at the home’s main residence, Lai, Engu, Tatt Boon and myself met up with the vice-president of Rumah Kids, Mr. Roy Tan. As it was a Saturday afternoon, we were also greeted by some of the children whom were sitting in the living room watching TV. Mr. Roy explained to us that they have over 60 children in total in the 2 homes in Klang and other 2 homes in Subang Jaya. These children under their care are abused, abandoned or neglected but some are also orphans.

He mentioned that it takes a lot to care for these children and therefore they have a set of couple living in each home that serves as the children’s parents. With this concept, the children have some one to look up to instead of just a home manager that comes and go during the day. He cited that the 2 homes in Subang Jaya was voluntarily handed to them a few years ago as the people running it could no longer sustain as there were financial and organizational problems.


The children that stay in Rumah Kids can stay as long as possible until they are financially independent and are of the right age to leave the home. As a testament of this, they have a 22 year old boy right now in the home. He will soon reach that stage but until then he can stay. With such quality care rendered to these children at Rumah Kids even at an advance age, APOH definitely would want it to continue.

With the visit concluded, registration of APOH climbers also comes to a CLOSURE as we have reached the magical figure of 200 climbers again! Seeing such dedication in the people running Rumah Kids, APOH could only see an opportunity to help raise funds for them. The time has come, the time is now!